Labradorite is a Feldspar mineral that comes in a variety of colours, such as pale green, blue, colourless, grey-white with iridescent blue or gold flashes. It is also known as Rainbow Moonstone and Spectrolite. Associated with the Throat, Third Eye and Crown Chakras, Leo, Scorpio and Sagittarius zodiac signs, and the planet Uranus, Labradorite is believed to promote psychic abilities, strengthen our will, stimulate imagination, and bring transformation and understanding. It can also be used to treat disorders of the eyes and brain, stimulate mental acuity, and relieve anxiety and stress.
Labradorite is a stunning crystal with a captivating display of spectral colours due to the interference of light rays.
It is a type of Plagioclase Feldspar which crystallizes in the form of masses, grains, and tabular crystals in a rainbow of colours including white, yellow, green, brown, colourless, blue, and grey. It was first described in 1780 by J. Foster and named as "Pierre de Labrador" from its discovery location of Paul Island, Labrador, Newfoundland, Canada. It was later modified to "Labradorite" by J.D. Dana in 1837 and its chemical composition is (Ca. Na)(Si.AD),O, with 50-70 molecular percent Anorthite.
With a hardness ranging from 5 to 6, Labradorite is the perfect stone for protecting and balancing your aura. It helps you to keep your aura clear, balanced, protected, and free from energy leaks. It also assists in the alignment of the subtle bodies, enhancing the connection between the physical and ethereal realms of being. With its mesmerising colours and powerful protective energy, Labradorite is the perfect crystal for jewellery, and can be found here at our website.
Labradorite is a powerful crystal that facilitates the transformation of intuition into intellectual thought. It can help strengthen and persevere through changes, providing clarity to the inner sight and a sense of peace and imperturbability. Representing the "temple of the stars" and the moon.
Labradorite can help one advance, without constraint, through the cycles of progression, promoting refinement and discernment in direction. It's labradorescence is said to be of extra-terrestrial origin, bringing galactic evolved energies from other worlds to the Earth plane. Labradorite is perfect for those seeking peace and understanding of their destiny. Shop now for Labradorite jewellery at our website - the perfect way to access the energy of this gemstone!
Labradorite can help clear away any distractions that may be obscuring thought and blurring instinct, allowing one to delve into their originality and precision. It promotes patience and an inner knowing of the "right time" to make decisions. Labradorite encourages recognition that we are all part of the Being of Light, and helps to unite the personal self with the understanding required to both realize and achieve our destiny.
It relieves insecurity and apprehension while enhancing faith and reliance in oneself. Labradorite also assists in synthesizing intellectual thought with the intuitive, mystical and psychic wisdom, inspiring one to bring the teachings of other worlds to this world of love and light. If you're looking to make transformations that are beneficial, Labradorite is a great crystal to work with.
Labradorite has been used in radionic analysis to identify problems. It is believed to have a stimulating effect on mental acuity, reducing anxiety and stress levels. This crystal is also known for its healing properties, aiding digestion, metabolism, and eye clarification. It's even been used to make warts disappear with the simple application of a tape and some time. Labradorite vibrates to numbers 6 and 7, and is perfect for anyone looking for a crystal for spiritual guidance or for a unique jewellery piece. Shop for Labradorite jewellery online today.